Today’s e-commerce landscape has never been more competitive. Standalone ventures and platform-based operations alike must continuously look for ways to stand out from the oversaturated market and attract the short-lived attention of their audience. If you’re in the same boat, you’ll have to take advantage of all the tools available to supercharge your business, especially live chat.

Since an e-commerce business primarily lives online, there’s always a disconnect that exists between you and your customers. You must close that gap as much as you can to establish rapport with your consumer base, as well as boost conversion rates. 

By leveraging Lazada IM chat, you can provide immediate responses and feedback to any query and problem that your customers may have. Doing so increases the confidence they have in your brand, resulting in better overall customer satisfaction. 

Introducing The Lazada IM Chat

Thanks to Alibaba’s acquisition of Lazada, the platform has gone through many changes and upgrades. Perhaps the best things to be integrated on the site are the new seller tools, which include the Lazada IM Chat. This particular feature allows sellers to communicate with their buyers in real-time once they place orders.

Before, sellers relied solely on their Key Account Managers (KAM) to cater to customers. Even then, expert customer support was only provided for big or branded sellers. Thanks to the introduction of the Lazada IM Chat, even small sellers have the chance to boost their conversions with the ability to communicate in real-time and compete against bigger stores. 

What Is The Lazada IM Chat?

Lazada IM chat

Similar to a typical messaging tool that you use on the daily, like Whatsapp, Line, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, or KakaoTalk, Lazada IM Chat empowers the sellers to improve their communication with buyers. It is a platform that you can use to interact with your customers instantaneously, boosting the chances of increasing your sales.

How Can The Lazada IM Chat Help Your Business?

Since IM chat allows the seller and buyer to communicate with each other directly and in real-time, the seller can take advantage of it to supercharge their business. Benefits of live chat include:

Instantaneous Feedback

Customer support

It typically takes a seller a day or two to respond to customers. In some cases, it can take even more! With live chat, you can deliver answers right away, allowing you to address the buyer’s concerns in a timely fashion. This can help the buyers make better purchasing decisions as they have an immediate answer to their queries. 

Established Loyalty

Live chat presents an opportunity for sellers to offer after-sales support. Not only can your business help the customer understand the product better, but it also paves the way for the buyer to make the most of the item they bought. Plus, you can also use live chat to offer discount vouchers to your long-term customers, which helps to establish a loyal customer base.

Increased Sales

Business Growth

Sellers can use live chat to offer buyers advice on the products they’re interested in purchasing. They can also upsell, cross-sell, and suggest other items customers might like so they add more to their shopping basket. 

Better Customer Insight

Lazada IM chat has a feature that you can use to access customer data directly. While you’re chatting with the buyer, you get easy access to information like order status, shopping history, and more, allowing you to provide the best responses.

Stellar Customer Service

Lazada IM chat

With live chat, you can better satisfy customer expectations. The less time it takes for them to get an answer to their queries, the more they are likely to be pleased with your services. You can use auto-responses to provide quick, one-off answers to frequently answered questions, helping optimize your performance. What’s more, the better you are with live chat, the better your chances of getting a good Chat Now score. When you have an excellent score, you can enjoy a higher search ranking.

Other Things You Can Do With Live Chat IM

  • Request for product reviews
  • Cross-sell other products
  • Provide order details
  • Create hype for new campaigns 
  • Start a chat to encourage new orders

How to Improve Chat Response Rate (RR)

As a seller, you have the responsibility of improving your response rate (RR). Lazada uses proprietary criteria in measuring this rate, which helps them determine whether or not your business is using live chat correctly. The higher your response rate is, the more credible you will appear to customers.

Lazada takes into consideration the response time, response frequency, and a variety of other factors when determining your RR. Auto-replies do not count as a reply—only legitimate responses from your agents do. 

Maintaining a high response rate is crucial because it directly impacts your brand image. When you have a low score, your customers may assume that you offer poor customer service and seek products elsewhere. You’ll also be missing out on sales opportunities. When you have a high response rate, Lazada will drive more traffic to your store. When your response rate is low, you’ll certainly get the opposite treatment. 

How To Maintain A High RR

  • Take advantage of the Seller App and offer response even while on-the-go
  • Set up quick responses for frequently asked questions
  • Use the “unread” feature so as not to miss out on queries
  • Initiate chat with customers either via Orders or Seller Reviews
  • Get rid of inactive chat agents so questions aren’t assigned to them

How To Set Up Lazada Seller IM Chat

Setting up the Seller IM Chat is relatively easy. All you have to do is head on over to the Chat Settings, click on your profile photo, locate the settings, and choose “add a user.” From there, you will be presented with a drop-down list of seller center accounts you have. You can either use an existing account or create a new user. If you choose to do the latter, you will need to build a new user in the Under Management section using your Seller Master Account. 

In Conclusion

The Lazada IM Chat can do wonders for your business when used correctly. It is an essential tool that all Lazada sellers must utilize to boost their customer engagement. If you need assistance setting-up or managing the feature, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

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